Pharmacovigilance Services
We at Dimension Research provides solutions to make pharmacovigilance safe, yet easier for companies. We help audit internal drug safety procedures, draft SOPs and can provide appropriate risk management plans and complete pharmacovigilance systems if needed.
Dimension Research provide services to monitor the safety of medicinal products. Depending on a company’s needs, we can provide individual services – such as evaluating and reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and severe adverse effects (SAEs) as required by law – or a complete pharmacovigliance package.
We offer pharmaceutical companies signal management services and ongoing risk/benefit analysis and assessment to ensure the constant, quality-assured and convenient monitoring of medicinal products.
It has been identified that there is a severe deficiency of knowledge relevant to Pharmacovigilacne / Drug Side effects among all walk of life in Pakistan. Hence PhV Net team of Dimension Research in collaboration with Academic Institutes; Universities; Hospitals; Pharmaceutical companies; regulatory bodies and other NGOs will be organizing on an ongoing basis training programs and certification of the participants on voluntary basis
The PhV Net team will also assist the Medical Universities; Hospitals and Private clinics to become “Pharmacovigilant Complaint Institutes/Clinics” , hence provide assurance to their patients international drug safety reporting and management standards.